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Old 09-08-2020, 08:24 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,165

Woohoo on the bees!

Hope everyone is staying well and healthy. I was not really prepared to have the hubby home all three days and didn't get the sewing done I expected to do but we had a good time doing stuff together. Nice thing is I have no real deadlines, self-imposed or not until after our trip.

I did make him a couple of bowling fabric masks, as well as some more for the lady he works with who only has one lung. She was one of the first people I made masks for... I'm not happy making or wearing masks but I'm trying my best to be a good sport and we are going to be wearing masks around here for a long time yet

As far as I can tell, we have no fires very close to us but the winds shifted last night and brought smoke from far away. Woke up this morning to a tightened chest, the smell of smoke and a hazy day -- and we are actually in the safe zone. A couple of years ago the Canadian fires were so bad and were hundreds of miles away, but again, we had a wind shift and got the smoke here for weeks.

My thoughts are with those in California and closer to fires, wherever you may be. Fire season is always bad, just one more thing we don't really want to deal with now especially.
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