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Old 09-25-2020, 09:47 AM
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I also watched part one of her videos, and like bearisgray, I am struck by her method being pretty wasteful of fabric. (It doesn't have to be - at one point in the video she says that one can use triangle scraps, but she demonstrates the method with rectangle strips and then cuts of good sized pieces, and cuts off even more when she shows how to do two rounds around the center square.)

I can see that her method can provide good precision, but there are other ways to get that precision. Personally, that video doesn't make me want to switch from my current methods. I found another video where she shows making half square triangles. The amount of fabric wasted seems quite large to me! The method of making them 8 at a time (slightly oversized and then cutting them down to size) has almost no fabric waste and seems like about the same amount of work.

I find it very interesting to see a quite different approach. I salute people who come up new methods to give people more options of getting the results they want.
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