Old 10-15-2020, 09:36 AM
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Join Date: May 2008
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Default Equipment - overkill - inadequate - appropriate

When it comes to purchasing/acquiring equipment/tools/supplies - it has taken me a while to learn what will be adequate/appropriate (and affordable!) for whatever it is that I need it for.

This does get to be "interesting" when DH and I try to get something new - he tends to want to go on the cheap side/low end - and I tend to want to go on the higher end - which gets to be "interesting" because our income is "low end"

There are times when a low end/ comparatively inexpensive tool is the proper thing for a job.

Example: for some things a shovel is more appropriate than a huge steam shovel. And for some things, a spoon is more appropriate than a shovel - although while watching some people eat - - -

I have learned that for some types of sewing, sewing by hand is a more efficient way to accomplish a task rather than trying to use a $25,000 computerized long arm machine . Example: Sewing up that 1/2 inch seam that came open by a neckline -

Anyway - have you ever bought equipment that - after you got it home - went into the "I sure did not have that adequately thought out" pile?

Last edited by bearisgray; 10-15-2020 at 09:39 AM.
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