Old 11-14-2020, 10:23 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,066

What fun! I know right where you are at Sheryl and so glad you are happy with your selection.

About two years ago now my dear friend in Arizona gave me her modern Bernina. The last "modern" machine I had was back at the end of the 70s/beginning of the 80s when I bought one of the last cam machines before computerization. Unfortunately for me, that machine broke a major non-covered part and I never did get it fixed but I started sewing on a vintage machine that had belonged to a friend's grandmother. So that's what I've been using for the last 20+ years and I still maintain that the biggest thing we need as quilters is a strong steady straight stitch, and my vintage machine provides that very well. I had the option of ignoring the bells and whistles options I now have, or learning how to use the sewing computer it calls itself instead of the machine I've had.

Year before this particularly I was putting the machine through its paces. This year I've been less productive but still choosing some projects for machine capabilities.

These modern machines -- oh goodness, the lighting! My model also has a huge throat space. The self threader is pretty awesome, but to be fair, even a bottom of the line plastic Brother has a threading assist my sturdy vintage machine does not have... My machine has a sensor for the bobbin which I do appreciate and it stops when out (ditto), it is an extra large bobbin but that means it is not a standard size and so I can't buy prewounds for it, which is ok just something I am noting.

My friend never used the knee lift but I use it all the time. Likewise the pedal of my machine can leave the needle in an up or down position, she used the buttons for that. With my vision issues I have problems with the buttons and getting the screen options set up and so mostly use the foot, the knee, and the only button I push once I get started is the cut thread.

Cut thread! Now there's another shocker, while still covered with cat fur, I hardly have any thread on me any more And apparently my dislike of set in/partial seams was more related to dealing with the threads and such than the actual sewing.
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