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Old 02-18-2021, 07:13 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Potsdam, NY
Posts: 178
Default 1930-1940's quilt pattern--Interlining??

I recently got some vintage quilt blocks. In the listing it indicated that they were most likely form the 1940's. After some additional google searching I was able to locate the original pattern----Laura Wheeler Designs's Calico Cat Quilt pattern 1583. I bought a copy of the pattern from an online place (not sure I can say where). I was thrilled to get the pattern to finish and add to the 28 blocks that I had purchased. But as soon as I began reading the pattern I got very confused. In the yardage chart, the pattern indicates the need for Sheet cotton interlining. The pattern goes on to describe several steps to the block assembly: making the block (cat applique), Interlining, joining the blocks, making the border, and lining. What is the sheet cotton interlining? The paragraph begins with saying: Interlining: sheet cotton, which is sold in folded sheets, is used for interlining. Use sheet cotton folded and cut a square the size of the block without seam allowance. Baste this double interlining to the back of the block. In some stores it is possible to get quilt interlining in one piece large enough to cover the entire quilt.......... Is this the batting? and the last step labeled Lining the backing???? (The cat applique is on what appears to be a muslin fabric). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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