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Old 02-18-2021, 05:28 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 429

Just as an aside, I could not afford a new Bernina, but I loved the way they sewed. There was a lady at the time who sold used Berninas on EBay and I got an Artista 170 from her at a price I could afford...barely! I love that machine and it is going strong 10 years later. I felt comfortable buying online unseen as I have a great local machine tech, and knew if there were tweaks that had to be made, he could make them. I send it in for a service every year or two.

The Berninas were at the time one of the few machines that sewed a nice straight seam without the feed dogs letting go at the end of the seam and pushing the seam sideways. For some reason the Bernina feed dog design keeps the fabric tracking true right to the end of the fabric.
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