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Old 05-02-2021, 01:21 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: May 2008
Location: MN
Posts: 24,410

I think I started making quilts because I became very frustrated trying to make/get clothing that fit me "acceptably" (and that was when I only weighed approximately 130 pounds!) And I wanted to make "something useful."

I still think potholders are a challenging "beginner project". Start with placemats, instead.

Our skill levels vary. From "what is a needle and what is thread and you do what with them?" to almost out of this world mastery with design and tools.

Our financial investment also varies. Some appear to have almost unlimited resources to get whatever whenever they want it.
Others have to really scrimp and save - or scrounge or beg - to get enough supplies/materials to make a lap size quilt.

Are the "quilt police" real? Maybe as real as "Karens"

If you count judges at a quilt show - maybe. Other than that, there are some people think that some ways of doing things are better than other ways of doing them. I, for one, do think some ways of doing some things are better than other ways of doing them. The thing is - I have learned to not make unsolicited "less than glowing admiration" comments out loud. And have also learned that other ways may be better than the ways I have been doing them.

Is it "only" for "old ladies"? I do think the majority of quilters may be over 50 - and that the majority are female. But there are awesome male quilters and awesome younger quilters.

I think this board has allowed me to become friendly with a few people that I otherwise would not have connected with. Our "worlds" would just not have intersected any other way. Age, occupation, location - the only commonality is the love of fabric and making something with it.

Feel free to contact me by PM (personal message) and you may use any comment that I have made on here.

Another thing I have learned - only post something if one is willing to have the whole world see it!

Last edited by bearisgray; 05-02-2021 at 01:24 PM.
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