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Old 06-15-2021, 12:02 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 547

I made fabric masks for awhile last year when things first happened but it ended up being a really bad idea for me: I internalized more stress because I felt so much responsibility for so many people's safety and ended up being wound up to the point where I couldn't sleep or eat, much less sew, lost ten pounds, I took a six month break from sewing after that cause the mere thought of making masks or my sewing machine made me want to scream. I ended up doing a lot of crochet with cotton, made lots of potholders and washcloths which I gave away as fast as I made them. I did make 2 quilts after my sewing break and I've got another in planning stages and I'm still crocheting as well. Have a coworker who is expecting around the holidays and I'm planning baby blankets and burp cloths too.

soooo, I learned that I cannot take the weight of the world upon my shoulders and I need to take better care of my mental health. I also learned that I really enjoy crocheting potholders. I learned that I need to be at work, me home all day for a few weeks on end is just awful for me, I don't know what I'll do if I retire someday.
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