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Old 11-12-2021, 07:12 AM
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Location: Gainesville, Missouri
Posts: 520
Default Friday Morning

Good morning, everyone.

Iceblossom, the quilt is absolutely beautiful. I love blue and yellow together, there's something sweet about it that I just adore.

Well, I made a mistake and have to push back the organizer until the next VQW. I was going over the pattern this morning while I was drinking my coffee and I completely forgot to order foam stabilizer, so I don't have everything I need for it. I ordered it as soon as I realized I hadn't bought it, so the organizer is pushed back. I'll at least get the fabric together for it today, ironed out and the pieces interfaced that needs it, but won't be able to move any further until I get the stabilizer. I generally try to find a workaround when it comes to something like that, I try to be as thrifty as I can and just work with what I have, but the organizer won't stand up properly without it. I have a pattern for a Memory Bear that uses the foam that I was going to work on in January, I bought the eyes, joints and filling for it, I spaced off the organizer completely and pushed back getting the foam in December.

With that pushed back, I'm going to go ahead and work on my hexagons today, just not much in the mood to work on the Table Quilt just yet, it means clearing off the sewing cabinet first. Need to have a slow start today, I've taken my joint supplement and Aleve, I'll work on cleaning sometime this afternoon.

Still going to work on my heating pads, I found out last night that the mildew/mold smell is actually coming from the filling, so I'm going to have to fill them with rice now. Kind of disappointed in that, I love pads made with flaxseed but can't put that filling back in the pad because of the smell.
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