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Old 11-14-2021, 10:10 AM
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Location: Gainesville, Missouri
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Default Sunday Update

Good morning, nearly good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Tallchick - I've decided that my first quilt of 2022 is going to be worked on that frame and it's going to be my sister's DWR. She's over the moon happy I finally decided on how I'm going to quilt it, she's been waiting for it now for a little over a year. We, of course, have to finish cleaning and purging, something we started just before the Pandemic, but we're close enough I can call what I'm doing the beginning of next year. We're both now seriously motivated to get it done so I can get the quilt started, crossing my fingers that nothing happens, I should be putting the quilt on the frame during January's VQW, if not, shortly after.

QuiltMom2 - that's one of those weird life mysteries that will probably go unsolved. The man just has a talent for doing this, if I make mention that I need or want something, it's not long after that I have the item. What he does tell me is that he combs the flea markets around the area, garage sales, puts the word out to his friends and then he just waits. The pandemic really slowed him down, so when he went to check on our senior friend in the village nearby, he was going to get in contact with a woodworker to start work on a frame for me, he was ready to build one because he just couldn't get in touch with anyone. That's when this frame dropped in his lap.

Today, I'm working on the heating pads and get them ready. We clean and work on the house during the week, which means starting tomorrow we'll be back at it and I'll need the pads, so they're top priority. I managed to at least get my sewing corner organized enough that things are in their general areas, when I'm not working on the pads, I'll be re-organizing and putting things away, then more work on the hexies.
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