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Old 11-21-2021, 09:28 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
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Definitely do a test drive first. It's like a car - one size/model doesn't fit all.

I've not tried the M series, but I did try the 22" "classic" in 2019 at a local road show. It felt heavy to me and there was a lot of vibration translating through the handles - it made my hands and wrists hurt. In contrast, I also went to an APQS road show a month or so later and those machines were "like buttah" to me.

I would own an APQS now if the frame fit in my room. Unfortunately, I don't have the depth except for a Lenni, and that model doesn't have Quilt Glide as an option (aka cruise or continuous regulation as some other brands call it). I absolutely loved the APQS machines, but my room is 9'6" in depth and the longarm has to fit on one wall with my DSM and its table on the opposite wall.

I ended up with an HQ Amara which felt better than the Innova to me and fit my space.
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