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Old 11-28-2021, 08:22 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 321

Originally Posted by platyhiker
One way to see how your fabric would look with this method is take a picture of it and then play with it in Microsoft Paint (or equivalent software). You can select a rectangle equivalent to a strip that you would cut and then cut it from the original picture and paste it into a region where you start building your digital quilt. Cut your rectangle different widths, just like the quilt pattern and then shift them relative to each other as you paste them. Each new strip will overhang a bit on one side and be short on the other, so to get the full effect, you'll need to digitally cut off the extra and shift it over to the other end. It will be a smidge tedious doing this, but it will/should be way faster than cutting and sewing fabric, and will prevent wasted fabric and effort if you don't like the result. Hope this helps!
Brilliant idea!🏆
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