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Old 02-15-2022, 05:04 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Potsdam, NY
Posts: 179

Great save---I would add this bit of advice. I just got a Singer 15-91 up and running that I bought last summer. If your machine is very similar to the 15-91 with the potted motor, then you might want to keep reading. If not then the following info might not apply. There are 2 little motor grease "cups" that you need to fill with motor grease----not oil----grease. Luckily I had a small tube of this that came with the machine that was vintage--original Singer motor grease. I thought the machine was running great until I kept trying it out with different stitch lengths and then the motor just kept getting slower and slower and slower. SO I did something that we all should remember to do. I read the manual. These grease cups are very important to the potted motors since they are direct drive not belt driven. I cleaned out the cups, and squeezed in some in (kinda reminded me of giving our cocker spaniel ear drops....I squeezed in some but no idea how much or if enough, to much etc). I then began sewing and the machine was still very very slow. But as the grease melted and coated the necessary parts it began to go faster and faster and faster. Now it is running so well. BUT......I dodged a bullet. Had I not put the grease in, the motor could have burned up. Just something to check if your machine does indeed have a potted motor like the 15-91.
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