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Old 04-10-2022, 09:28 AM
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 1
Default Ironing pad wool

Originally Posted by deborahscanlon View Post
That is what I thought too. Also, I don't understand the wool craze. I don't own a wool pressing pad so I'm not qualified to offer an opinion on its value since what I've been taught is if something isn't pressing well, press on something hard not soft. Maybe someone could enlighten me on the value of wool.
Wool is what ironing board pads USED to be made of in the old days of quality over price. Moved to felt in the 70's, then cheaper yet foam. Wool is the best tool for the job It lets steam go through fabrics without rotting or compressing like felt, doesn't deteriorate like foam. Also less germy/moldy wool can handle hot/wet. Presses better too. Good luck, square mats are nice to use to not get up to iron at each section, but a stretch can be comfortable after too much sitting. Have an elegant day.
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