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Old 05-01-2022, 03:53 AM
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Location: Portage, Michigan
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I found a cure for fabric shopping or maybe one more reason to shop your stash, simple cost. I needed about 1 yard of fabric for a border for a finished quilt top. Nothing in my stash to fit the bill. Most of the top WAS from my stash. Well, found what was needed at a local quilt shop. $24 dollars later, I walked out with a yard and a half of fabric.

I can tell I haven't shopped for fabric in a while. This cut was not of spun gold made by fabric elves living in a deep forest glen nor was it one of a kind artist hand made stuff, but simple off the bolt 100% cotton. I have heard prices were going up but Wowzers. $14 a yard! The internal laugh came when the salesperson suggested I buy the rest of the bolt at 30% off. I passed on that bargain. Don't need to add to my stash and I can spend the savings on other quilt necessities. I will return to my stash,the give away table at my quilting group and live happily ever after remembering the olden days when good quilting fabric was $7 and $8 a yard. .

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