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Old 06-13-2022, 04:33 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 989

Originally Posted by Becky G
what I am encountering is the handles on the part that holds the machine to quilt, and the throat and height of the machine, I cannot have the front and back bars level. My back bar holding the quilt is higher. The only way to make it level would be to cut off the handles on the part that holds the machine to be able to move it to quilt (sorry my mind is blank and I cannot remember the name of that part!) so that I can raise the front bar to make the fabric level.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this issue? Or is my only solution to buy a new machine that has a higher throat?
Are you sure you have it assembled correctly? Not sure which model frame you have, but Google images of Grace wooden quilting frame to see if it's put together correctly. It sounds like it isn't.
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