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Old 06-15-2022, 10:34 PM
Quilting Raven
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Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 84
Default Fell off the wagon

Spring arrived and I fell off the UFO wagon. I haven’t worked on anything in 2-3 months. I have hauled 10 tons of dirt with a wheel barrel to fill in a low spot in my yard that was causing water to drain under my house, picked up a bunch of shifts at work, broke my foot and continued to walk on it (it was just sprained right?), built and planted 4 raised flower beds, and did some late spring cleaning (the fur tumbleweeds were breeding and plotting world domination. I have not however quilted at all.

Then my father pointed out, on four separate occasions, that he still didn’t have a quilt. Also, that he was the family member here hooking up my new well pump to water those four garden beds. So, with the arrival of extreme heat I am hiding and putting my nose to the grind stone or the longarm. His quilt has been pieced for three years. I just need to quilt it and I have 1/3 of it done.

Please wish me luck
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