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Old 07-14-2022, 06:59 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 635

Not really a success story here, but an observation/insight that I have recently discovered... having to pack up fabrics and the rest of your materials in a hurry means that a) you can't find _anything_ until you have looked in the last possible place (and sometimes not even then!) and b) getting projects done (or even started) takes way, way longer than it should.

I'm working on a project but keep having to interrupt it to look for a ruler or a piece of fabric or a stitch ripper (I ended up going out and buying another one of these to add to the five I still haven't found) and am realizing that my quilting life would probably be significantly improved/made easier if I just bit the bullet and got everything reorganized again. :-) I need to shorten my non-quilting to-do list, but am hoping to be back here pretty soon to find more inspiration and ideas and celebrate progress.

Thanks for being here to rant to/reflect with! :-)
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