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Old 07-15-2022, 03:45 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
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Originally Posted by WMUTeach
Chin up Gemm. It took a long time to create you stash of fabric, projects and materials. It will take time to get it all back in an order that will work for you. Recognizing that you need to reassess your work area is HUGE . For my two cents, I would suggest that you dive into what you use the most and keep just that limited amount in order and close at you can tackle some of your projects and experience the joy of creating what makes you happy.

My experience has been than when I try to organize the whole room that I get bogged down and discouraged. For me, I go space by space a little at a time and that seems to satisfy me. Over time, my space though not perfect like in magazines or online, but I can find my favorite rulers and the little scissors that I adore. I am pleased with my progress and it looks and feels better than a few months ago.
I totally agree with you - small bites at a time or I get overwhelmed. I find it helps me to set a timer for 30 minutes. The timer does two things: it helps to keep me focused and not get side tracked and it gives me an end point so if I really need to be doing something else I can get back to it but also feel like I've accomplished a goal in my happy place aka sewing space:-) Or since your stash is in several boxes, you could set a goal of getting through 1-2 boxes a day before moving on to an area that requires more of your time. You might be surprised how much you can get done in a 30 minute time frame. Good luck
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