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Old 07-30-2022, 04:19 AM
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My current organization solution was to ask a friend over who has a linen closet space for her stash including material for garments.That should be motivation to organize..Right? Ha!, I say. I put the pressure on! GO, Go, Go. Then I thought, "Hey, this is MY sewing space!" I will vacuum, pick up the odds and ends and dust and she can live with it. I do not have to live by her standard and likewise she doesn't need to live by mine. She works on one small quilt at a time. I work on 6 or 7 at a time. She quilts with joy and quilting is one of several hobbies, I quilt because I am driven to use fabric and to create the next pattern that catches my eye then give the quilt away. So,in the end using my friend as motivation was useless and silly. We are different quilters and still marvelous friends.

Off I go to clear off the remains of yesterday's finish and the plans for the next quilt, my friend is coming over!. Happy organization, all.
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