Old 08-28-2022, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Karamarie
Polyester was the fabric of choice back in the 70s as the women were so happy to not have to iron everything and they did iron everything back then. My job ironing when I was a kid was the red & blue farmer's hankies, then I graduated to bigger things.
Remember well ironing those hankies and the pillow cases was my next step up. Momma's one sister ironed all the sheets but Momma put her iron away when the pile of sheets were on top. Never did I have to iron any of the sheets--Momma's reasoning was "I'm not ironing anything that will be all wrinkled before the kids get to sleep on them." We usually played indoors when it was snowing--after we built our snow forts, snowmen and made our snow angels. Had to get warm then and Momma always had each of us a cup of REAL Hot Chocolate--none of that prepared packaged stuff. Hot chockolate and a slice of Tomato Soup Cake--Daddy's favorite even over German Chocolate.
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