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Old 10-05-2022, 04:45 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 202
Default Creative Grids 4.5" squaring ruler

I was going to purchase the Creative Grids 4.5" squaring ruler, it looks like a great tool that will help me in squaring up the 72 4.5" squares for my current project. But first I took a look at all my rulers to make sure I don't already have this one. I don't have it, but did find that I have the 4.5" log cabin trim tool. Aha, I said, this should work. But it doesn't!! Problem is, even with the grippy material around the edge and the grippy circles on the bottom it still slips and slides all over the place. If I hold it down very very firmly it sill stay pretty much in place but as soon as let up just a tad on the pressure it moves. I even tried weighing it down with the weights I use but that isn't enough.

I find if I'm trimming a single piece of fabric it works fine. It's when I'm cutting a finished block, the extra height of the seam allowance is enough to raise it so that the grippers no longer hold it tight.

I'm thinking that other than the markings, the log cabin trim tool is exactly the same as the squaring ruler so it probably wouldn't be worth it to buy the squaring ruler. But I could be wrong, maybe they are different and the squaring rules grips better, if so, that would make my day . If anyone is familiar with both these rulers can you share your experiences with them? Are they both the same? Do they slip for you? Is there another company with something similar that holds better?

To square up I usually use a larger square but really like the idea of using a ruler the exact size of my squares because no matter how careful am when I lift it and put it back down in a different position I end up with wonky cuts.

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