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Old 10-09-2022, 05:50 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Va.
Posts: 5,753

I didn't finish quilting the Statefair Midway quilt yesterday, but decided to put it aside for the moment and work on Big Fish. After quilting a bit, my bobbin started rattling and even though I know better, I decided to keep going because it looked great on the top. Of course, there was a mess on the back. The bobbin thread had gotten wrapped around the latch on the bobbin case and was causing serious tension issues. I ended up taking out everything I'd quilted and starting over- fortunately I'd only been doing the "ditch" quilting in the black areas of unpainted fabric around the individual motifs, so I was able to take the stitching out no problem. Today I'm going to continue working on Big Fish since it has a deadline attached.

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