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Old 03-08-2010, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by BrendaB
Originally Posted by yourstrulyquilts
Originally Posted by jetnica
just needed to vent:

today was such a bad FM day! i was in the fibrofog all day, stiff, sore and just not "there" -- i had trouble concentrating on my students today and the chiropractor made me want to cry. finally came home - took an hour nap, ate dinner - and now my stomach hurts and my head is throbbing.

thank you for the vent time -- the bf is awesome but just doesn't understand that i'm not lazy - just "not great"
Sorry it's so tough. If I could wave a magic wand I'd make all of you better. It's an illness that doesn't usually kill you; just makes you wish you were dead!
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
You got that right! I'm so sorry you had such a trying day too.
It's hard when you hurt and feel so terrible that if anyone else felt this way they would be in bed for days, and yet we have to keep going, keep doing, and are supposed to be happy and cheerful all the while, still taking care of everyone else --who by the way, happen to be healthier than us. Just know that there are some of us who totally understand, and we can't stop for fear it will get the better of us. Did any of that make sense?
very much so - thank you
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