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Old 11-22-2022, 06:29 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,051

Good morning everyone. it cool (30F) and sunny. High temp is suppose to be neat 60 today. Yea. A great improvement from last week when we had January and February cold temps. We had les than an inch of snow during that time. I’m just glad it’s warmer this week. At least it should be nice this week. anyway….

Well this last year I fell off the wagon after the 1st quarter of the year. And never really did get back on. To much pretty fabric I didn’t need. This month I claimed an exemption or 2 or 3. I bought backing for numerous project for the next 6 months, I signed up for 3 BOM’s starting next year, filler fabric for my stash that was lacking, background and fg’s to make some fun projects. Other than that I did okay. I know I really need to stay on the wagon next year. No more buying for a while.

Well a fabulous Thanksgiving Day everyone!

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