Old 11-25-2022, 06:48 AM
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Location: Gainesville, Missouri
Posts: 520

Well, after spending the last hour troubleshooting my Chromebook, let's see if it behaves enough that I can finally post something on here. I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was wonderful yesterday, I had some slight turkey drama and didn't eat until well after what I was planning for us, but we ate well and now I'm having a breakfast of warm turkey, gravy and biscuits.

I probably won't be doing a lot of sewing this weekend, but I do plan on getting my ironing station re-organized. When the cross-stitch bug bit me, I had ordered some pre-cuts just prior to that and when they arrived, I just shoved them where I could with the mindset, 'I'll put them where they belong later'. Well, two dozen new cross-stitch patterns, a floor stand and now a table stand later, the sewing bug has been nibbling on me and I'm to the point that I need to re-organize, then I can sew. I'll attempt to post pictures later, but I'm not guaranteeing anything because for whatever reason, both my Lenovo and my Chromebook is having issues letting me post pictures, even in Facebook.

Right now, it's gloomy, wet and foggy, perfect weekend to work in my sewing corner.

Heather - thanks again for hosting another fabulous weekend for us, I didn't catch it, but when is the next VQW?
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