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Old 04-21-2023, 06:11 AM
Three Dog Night
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I bought my Cutie frame a year ago and it is a learning process. I have my Juki TL2010 on my frame and while I only have about 6" and have to rehoop often it is a lot easier to use than pushing the quilt around under the needle. Like Onebyone said you get a rhythm going and I timed myself on repositioning quilt and it took me around 3 minutes. If you have limited space or money this is a good option as I can quilt any size quilt on my frame (yes even a king). Most people who buy and then sell a Cutie do so because they trade up for a larger frame which is not an option for me as I don't have space for anything larger. I have my frame on my dining table which means when we have guests over I need to be able to move and store frame and machine. The frame is light weight and takes less than a few minutes to move from table to behind a chair in the den (3X3 space), the heaviest is the machine at around 25lbs which is reason I have not bought a machine with a larger thorat space, I looked at a Quniqe 15 Pro and it weight 42 lbs and I knew I wouldn't be able to move it myself. If you're thinking of buying one check out the Cuties Quilters Facebook page and if possible find a LQS or quilt show and try one out and that includes try rehooping the quilt on the frame. All said and done I love my Cutie frame but will admit that it is not for everyone.
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