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Old 08-23-2023, 12:46 PM
Janice McC
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I get annoyed with myself when I write a long post and then end up inadvertently deleting it, something I just did again.

Reba, I’m sorry you didn’t have all the help you needed for your stepbrother’s move. That must have been frustrating. It’s sad your stepmother is in declining health but obviously she trusts you. We (technically DH) was guardian for years for a family member with Alzheimer’s. We were so cautious in making decisions for them, including housing and medical care. It was an awesome responsibility for us. He stood up when other family members didn’t offer help.

Duckling, What a fun experience, great thrifting opportunities. You scored big on your fabric buy.

SBG, stay cool down there. It’s pretty miserable here this week but not as bad as it is in GA where we lived. I count my blessings. DH is getting a whole house generator to handle the outages we get here year round. I’m keeping my fingers crossed nothing happens before it’s installed.

Have a great rest of your day, Boomers.

Last edited by Janice McC; 08-23-2023 at 12:48 PM.
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