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Old 08-31-2023, 02:00 PM
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Double Happy Dance Day!! I returned to see the surgeon's assistant today, post surgery. She took out all of my lab reports and fanned them out on the table and said "all clear". I asked her to say it twice! So no more radiation is needed! I only have to take one pill a day for the next 5-7 years. Praising God all the way home, I found my F8s package in the mailbox. A double blessing! I've been going through all the baggies. All 19 are present and accounted for! Last night I actually sewed a few more rows of a charity quilt I wanted to get finished before doing the f8s. There are some really pretty F8s this time. This Boom should be a lot of fun! Hope all of you get yours soon too.

My daughter and son and SIL and grandkids are all coming to see us this weekend. Daughter will cook and clean house for us... a real treat! They will arrive tomorrow evening.

Last edited by sewbizgirl; 08-31-2023 at 02:04 PM.
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