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Old 09-05-2023, 09:30 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Wisconsin-Alabama Gulf Coast Snow Bird
Posts: 2,149

Thank you Janice and Log Cabin for the adorable kitty blocks, the colorway is just what I had in mind.

This morning I went to the post office to collect my Boom package. Inside were 19 beautiful pretties that I can't wait to start sewing with. I've read your notes and now can start pulling the requested fabric...ah now the fun begins!

Our trip to the South was uneventful which is always a good thing. I ended up convincing DH to make the trip over two days instead of driving for 16+ hours. I'm so happy we got a well needed break from driving and a decent night's sleep. Our kitty was so well behaved, she slept in her bed the entire time we were on the road.

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