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Old 11-16-2023, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by WMUTeach View Post
Yes, I dropped the package off this morning to my local post office. Yesterday I had the bag al packed, and about 4 stops on the docket and of all things.... I forgot the mailing address. Oh, DUH! It is on its way.

Going to be honest here, this Boom process made me nervous. I felt such pressure to be perfect and each block different that It really drove me to the edge. I swap blocks all the time without a blink of the eye. When I saw what was being produced, Man-0-Man, I felt incompetent. After time, I because to ease up on myself and began to see blocks that I could easily handle and enjoyed making. I now have a folder on my laptop of 12 inch squares for future use: Pat Sloan, Conquering Mount Scrapmore with Barbara (Free Pattern Friday), and Moda Blockheads as a few sources I found useful, but you all know those plus more and more and more.

It will be fun to see all my new blocks in person, in my hand and on my design board.
WMU Teach. I love searching various sites, watching you tubes, and collecting old quilting books that have 12 inch finished squares. I have a hard copies of all sorts of options to make the process less stressful because I felt that way too on my first Boom Swap. Now I have an 8.5x11 sheet of paper with color block, number of colors, number of pieces and their sizes, sizes to cut square for making 2 HST or QST, and a sample if possible of a completed quilt using just that block. Boy has that helped. Then my decisions just need to be what from my stash will work. I love Booms now!

I might start adding what direction to press seams as that still gives me fits sometimes!!
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