Old 12-01-2023, 03:23 PM
Join Date: Dec 2023
Posts: 1
Unhappy I need help!

Originally Posted by Macybaby View Post
I've got my clue 2 all cut. I use the tri-rec ruler, and cut the sides 1/4" taller than required. When I sew, I split the difference with 1/8" extending on the bottom and the top of the center piece. Then I trim to exact. Going this way gives me a bit extra at the top above the point, so I don't lose that point in the trimming process.
I seem to be doing something wrong. I cut my red fabric into 3-1/2" wide strips. But in Bonnie's directions it looks like my tri-rec ruler should be on the 3-1/2" line but it is actually on the 3" line of the ruler. And when I sew the side pieces on my pieces are too small. Any suggestions?
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