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Old 12-15-2023, 05:27 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Alabama/Georgia line
Posts: 439

Happy holidays, everyone!

We had a great time at the wedding over the weekend. That's 3 out of 4 of hubby's grand kids married. The fourth is contemplating marriage after finishing her doctorate. My oldest (the one recovering from cancer) flew in on the last day and we picked her up. She's visiting us until the 30th. Yea!!

We invited our friends to dinner last night. We wanted to share time and catch up , as well as introduce my oldest to our friends.
Anyway, after the meal I gave John the 2 quilts y'all helped me make for him. He was overwhelmed. He even had tears in his eyes over the beautiful blocks and the thoughtfulness each of you put into the designs. He said that he is definitely bringing them to Texas when he travels for the next chemo session.

Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement (and effort) included in each block. It means so much to me and John.

May you realize all your many blessings this holiday season. Happy holidays!
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