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Old 12-21-2023, 12:34 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 777

I'm with Kalama on this. Office chairs are excellent for this purpose. If you can't pivot the chair, you will twist and bend to pick things up, and it won't end well for your back (ask me how I know.)

Also, make sure that the seat height will be compatible with the height of your table. If the office supply doesn't have the right thing, you can take a risk and order online. You can simulate different seat heights with books beforehand to get the range you need.

We just ordered pivoting, rolling chairs via Wayfair, and it took a lot of digging to find the ones that had a seat height range that would work. But they indeed worked well and were beautifully packed, so there's that as riskier option.

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