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Old 01-04-2024, 05:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 426

Peggy I am with you on the crumb thing...and I think the key is the size of the crumbs. If they are too small the whole exercise is frustrating and the seams are a nightmare.

I also get really mad when the refrain of thriftiness comes up over and over for is not a limitation other artists put on themselves, so why quilters? I suspect it is an echo of the sexism and gender stereotyping of the past, where women did not control any of the household discretionary spending.

All that said, I am all for scrap busting...just not frustrating scrap busting. It can be surprisingly hard to find a scrap busting approach that is not drudgery-laden!

So here is a wonderful video from one of my favourite quilt bloggers for you! She made a fantastic "crumb" quilt that is gloriously colourful:

she links to her YouTube video:
Attached Thumbnails agilejackcrumbquilt.jpg  
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