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Old 01-05-2024, 06:12 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
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I didn't mention in this thread but I almost always press open. With the small stitch length I use I basically get zero pull apart.

I'd say that if you get more than one stitch pull apart when testing your seam, your length is too long or your tension is not correct. My goal is to have maybe 3 stitches form a V when pulling/testing but none to come out. Does it have to be this tight? No... and if it is too tight you get other issues like rippling so you have to find your happy place.

My goal is for my seam is to be basically reweaving the fabrics. The needle should be sharp and cleverly slip between the threads of the fabrics. If you hear a "pooka pooka" while sewing sound your needle is dull and you are (most likely) breaking the fabric weave instead of slipping between.

I am also a pinner, every leading seam edge is pinned and typically every 2" so that any given piece has at least 2 if not 3 pins. I did not want to be a pinner! For my first 20 years or so of quilting I tried to use a minimum number, but I've found I get better results when pinning. It also gave me something to do at quilting groups where I didn't have a machine and I found I got better results. I know, not every one wants to pin and it is rather boring and involves some time. However, it saves time when my stack of prepared pieces fall over or the cat lands on them... I do pin below my seam allowance, not up to the edge of the fabric. I also use a "quilter's foot" that is 1/4" foot both sides and back and forward marks, it can help in many ways and is just above where my pins are.

I used to sew with a friend, she was using a Brother but I think again it defaulted to 2.5, she would increase it one count so that the stitches were easier to take out if she needed to. Even though she pressed to the side her blocks and top were always a mess off open seams at the ends and caused her a lot of time and grief. It makes sense that if you are using 8-10 stitches per inch, that cutting one of those stitches mid way would make an almost 1/4" open spot.
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