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Old 01-19-2024, 02:27 AM
polkweed's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Iceblossom View Post
Well.. what's cool to one person is a hot item for another.

I'd say that a lot of the 70s patterns that featured classic but HUGE blocks are just not made anymore. There was also a movement of using strips of colors (often poly blends) maybe 3-4" thick by a foot or so long, usually in earth tones but not always. You could manipulate the strips, turning them upside down or do other things like forming an arch or circle if you were clever.

The Better Homes and Gardens Patchwork and quilting book with the big appliqued (from double knit??) flowers on the front -- don't see modern versions of that one!
I just bought this book from a second-hand craft store. The tapestry pattern that looks like a window would probably look pretty good in a cabin.

As for what's not cool anymore, I was going to say all that floral chintz from the 80's, but thinking about it... and I know this is controversial... it's probably batiks. I don't really see young people using them, and the patterns that really depend on them like bargellos are starting to feel a bit dated.
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