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Old 04-02-2007, 06:26 AM
Debbie Murry
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Wilmington, NC
Posts: 282

Quote from Norah: I get irritated when people don't use the quilts, but I also get irritated when they mistreat all of that hard work. Most have no idea how much work goes into a quilt.

I recently took my sister to a consignment shop just to see what they had. I had no money at the time, we were just browsing. They had alot of antiques there and I could not believe the prices, so low. Had a couple of shelves just full of old handmade quilts selling from #10 to $100. Lady there told me alot of the stuff was from estate sales. They have no idea how much work goes into a quilt. Not just the cost but the time, energy and heart. It saddens me to see that such a work of art is not prized as it should be.
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