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Old 04-14-2024, 03:38 AM
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I have the older stand alone version of Dear Jane. If you already own EQ8 (or even 7) I might go the add on route as I am not fond of the stand alone version - mostly because I am so used to where everything is in EQ8. I think that the stand alone version was based on EQ5.

If you do not already own EQ I might aim for the stand alone version (unless you want really want EQ for other projects). I am still running windows 10 and just re-loaded the stand alone version of Dear Jane on my laptop in the sewing room with thoughts of starting a quilt and had no issues with loading it.

I looked on Ebay and Amazon - curious to see if the older version was still available - be very careful - several folks are selling just the manual with no software (the biggest one I saw was on Amazon) - but there are a lot of them on Ebay that do come with the disk.

Good luck and while this is an older thread, some of us who are avid EQ users still subscribe to the thread!!

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