Old 05-02-2024, 06:34 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Location: Greater Peoria, IL -- just moved!
Posts: 6,107

Had a nice chat with my friend Barb in Arizona yesterday, she's been mostly lurking in this thread and found she enjoyed the process. She "admitted" that she got her blocks done but hadn't put them together yet. Yay for getting the blocks done! But as I reassured her, she is very likely to get the top done when she is ready for that. Having available space to layout is a real issue and it can be hard to find in a full house full of doggy feet. She got a long arm this year and is working on other things. There are a lot of Bonnie Hunter UFOs out there for all sorts of reasons.

For people in earlier stages of block construction, it is amazing how things can get separated out or how confused we can get with counts or instructions. At this point if the project is not active, I'd go ahead and spend some time to store it. You can put subunits in baggies and either write on the bag with a marker (not all markers are good on plastic), or with paper notes on what stage and how many you have to do. I put all my bags or however I store things in a box along with directions and notes to myself -- because, no, I can't just look at a project six months later and remember what I was doing. If you misplace your clues, we can probably help on that too.

Hope everyone is well and happy

PS -- No, my top is not quilted down yet...
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