Thread: Shadow Dancer
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,027

I got a message in from Shadow Dancer and she'd like everyone to know that she won't be around much.

Her husband was taken by ambulance to the hospital today. He had lost the feeling in his legs and couldn't move. The doc at the hospital checked him over, gave him a shot for pain and a couple pain meds and sent him home. He's not pain free, far from it. Shadow will be talking to whoever she needs to talk to so they can get him the treatment he needs.
I'm cutting and pasting what he has, that way, I don't screw it all up and get it wrong.
Here's the excerp from her....
besides having rheumatoid arthritis, Bill has degenerative disk disease, three bulging disks, the sacroiliac joint is fusing to his spine and he has sacroilitis and some kind of tear in the spinal column. In all their infinite wisdom Veteran's Affairs decided physio therapy might be beneficial, so last Thursday he went for his first session. Friday he was in pain, Saturday the pain was worse, Sunday he could hardly move, Monday he thought it was maybe settling down, then this morning he couldn't get out of bed by himself. The doctor in emergency checked him over, exclaimed that his spine was inflamed and it extended to his right hip. She gave him a shot for pain, and a muscle relaxant but said she couldn't give him a prescription for anti-inflammatory or pain med because she couldn't do a follow up and told him to call his rheumatologist and ask him to call a prescription in for him tomorrow. No doctor is going to call a prescription in without seeing the patient, there was a big stink a few years ago and now they won't do it and his rheumatologist is based in Southern Ontario. He comes up to Dryden (1 hour from us) and Kenora every two months ( two and half hours from us) Right now we don't have a doctor here in town, his back specialist is in Thunder Bay but there is no way he can sit for two and half hours in the truck to get there. To put it bluntly, he's screwed!!!

Let's hope that with the phone calls she will be making, she can get someone to see her hubby and he can be on the road to mending. And I thought health care in the US was a PITA.
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