Old 05-01-2008, 06:03 AM
Elizabeth A.
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Gulf Coast, FL
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Okay so everyone that has spoken already knows more than I do. BUT when I was talking to my mom about the layout of my quilt (scrappy hearts) she reminded me about "what side do you want to be the top" if you clearly define a top by having all the hearts the same way you get wear at the top of the quilt and at the bottom. If the quilt is made so there is "no top" then everytime the quilt goes on the bed it will wear differently spreading out the wear and tear of use.

Maybe it's just my family, but when we have a quilt we really love (which this one looks like it will be) does over time begin to show wear. So even though my knee jerk reaction is to want all my hearts the same direction, I have begun to try to think of other layouts.

Also one of my favorite parts of putting a quilt together is when all the blocks are done laying them out on the floor or placed on a wall to see them together in all different ways. It's hard to wait but you might think of a new way that you didn't think of before that simply looks great. Who knows maybe pinwheeling hearts with flying geese all around! :-)

YIPPIE I'm glad you go it all figured out! :D
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