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Old 04-04-2010, 04:35 PM
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I did it for awhile and if it helps it helps---beats laying in bed all the time without the energy or will to get up and even take a shower and really beats being suicidal. I took them long enough to get my head on straight and get well enough to find other outlets (such as church, quilting, and painting). It also helped me to figure out what I need to do to keep myself out of depression. Now, I make sure I get plenty of sleep, don't read books that are depressing, don't watch the tear-jerking chick flick type movies, try not to over-book myself, I stay as far away from negative people as I possible can. You are fortunate not to have ever experienced that black whirlpool that sucks you down into despair. People with diabetis take insulin, people with broken legs get casts, it's basically the same thing. Clinical depression is very hard for people who've never had it to understand and it's also very different than regular depression like you have when you lose a loved one.
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