Old 04-07-2010, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by LovinMySoldier
So I am pretty new to the quilting game and I have only made a few quilts but I seem to be missing this stash part of it. All of you are working on your stash and adding to it :) I guess I am not to that point. I don't see why I would want to buy a bunch of fabric just to have it? I buy fabric specific to a project and make that project and then buy more for my next project. I always buy a little extra for those oops moments but all in all I don't have very much extra. So my question is why is the need for the fabric hoarding? Every time I go to the LQS I see fabric that is always as beautiful as the last time even though it may be a bit different still beautiful nonetheless. So what am I missing? Why are your stashes so large? Do I need to pick up the pace next time I am out shopping? :) Just curious on everyone's reasoning :)
Maybe because we can? I love to look at my stash and touch it and fondle it. I know, I know, I'm a little OCD. That's why I have so much to start with! But if you don't want to have a stash, that's OK, too. I know several quilters who purchase for just the project they are working on. I know HUNDREDS who "buy it when they see it", because if they don't, it will be gone when they want it. Either way is OK. I believe it is a mental condition, however. Kinda like a hoarder, only not so bad. Most of us keep it neatly in boxes, bags, cabinets, shelves, bookcases, closets, and anywhere else we can put it. And we know what we have!! ..............hmmmmmm, I know I have a piece that will go with this one. What did I do with it? Oh, there it is!................... Anyway, that's my take one it. :lol:
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