Thread: How long
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Old 04-14-2010, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Melinda in Tulsa
Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
I WOUND A BOBBIN!!! It took me a few times to get it... but I did! Now I just have to do a couple more... and then I'll thread and then I'll sew... straight lines can't be that difficult!
Good for you :thumbup: If I may make a suggestion on practicing sewing straight lines; use a piece of paper with no thread. Graph paper helps too, or just draw lines, curves, etc on it practice following them.

My step-daughter called me last week, she had gotten a sewing machine for Christmas from her fiance and due to her job, this was the first time she even had time to take it out of the box. She called because she couldn't control the speed and couldn't sew even a decent straight line! I told her to unthread the machine, use paper and sew, sew, sew. She called me again a couple days later and said she had made a pillow! I was so proud of her. She is 36 years old and had never touched a sewing machine! I think she is about to be hooked to sewing. Practice, practice, practice. That's how we all started out.
I just jumped in... I did sewing before on a machine a few years ago... so i figured, well, if i mess up majorly, I can alway start over with something else... had a couple of crooked lines... but not bad enough to start over... especially since I caught it right away. But I was worry when it came to sewing again on a machine cause it had been so long. I had it on the slowest setting... and I'm not using the foot peddle....
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