Thread: Quilt Labels
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Old 04-19-2010, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Dragonfly Nana
I am the odd-woman-out here in that I embroider a dragonfly on each of my quilts, usually on the back in the corner.
I wrote a little poem to send along with gifted baby quilts that includes washing instructions.
I add a tiny heart button somewhere on the quilt.......started when I found a tiny hole on the edge of the border when I got it back from the machine quilter.....and it was for a 50th anniversary gift. (no, I didn't say anything to the quilter, she would have been so upset).

The button covered it just fine and besides Velentine's day is my birthday and the button hearts are now my logo.....and go on all quilts, wall hangings or whatever.

So remember some good comes from matter how bad you might think they are......

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