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Old 05-17-2008, 08:53 PM
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I don't have a particular favorite quilting magazine. I skim through the pages and see if there's anything I really like.

As far as inspiration goes, I get it from a lot of things. I read quilting magazines and books whenever I get the chance. Video games is another two projects in the works based on The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (the game's sea map and a series of quilted replicas of the stained glass windows depicting the sages in the room where the Master Sword is). I get a lot of ideas from the floor tile and wall designs in dungeons and towns and such in the games. Sometimes I get inspired by the most random or unusual things...I once got inspired while watching Saw III. Also seem to like taking traditional/basic designs and putting a creative twist on far a lot of that has come on accident, but those accidents inspire me and I just go with it.
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