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Honchey 07-17-2012 06:02 PM

The FWS Pony Club Quilt-Along Wk 28 Miller's Daughter & Mountain Maze Discussion Page
I have one done for this week!!! go look! H.

HilaryK8 07-17-2012 06:58 PM

I'm so sad I didn't find this board sooner! I'm a new quilter. I am currently working on a sampler quilt (among other things). It's my first sampler and I fell in love with the process of choosing fabrics for just one block and not committing to an entire quilt. I love that each block is in itself like it's own little quilt. So I found myself in the craft section at Barnes and Noble the other day. (because when I'm not quilting, I'm reading!) I found the Farmer's Wife Sampler Book and just had to buy it because I myself AM a farmer's wife and recently learned about sampler blocks. It was like it was put there on that shelf just for me.

So I have this book and I am utterly excited and overwhelmed by it. I've seen two types of FWS quilts. (1) Scrappy Style and choosing fabrics from your stash that fit the block. And (2) Pre-choosing coordinating fabrics and doing all the blocks out of those few colors.

What did you gals choose? Are there any pro's and con's to either way? And if I choose coordinating fabrics, how much do you think i'll need? As a beginning quilter, will I be able to tackle this project? ALL advice is appreciated.

janRN 07-18-2012 04:37 AM

HilaryK8, I'm glad you jumped in here. There are a whole lot of threads from when we did our FWS quilts-same group that's doing this one. If I wasn't a senior blonde I'd post a link but search under FWS finished quilts here and you'll get lots of different ideas. Some did scrappy; I did and like you I enjoyed picking the fabric one block at a time. Don't feel overwhelmed-just take it one at a time. By the time you're 1/3 of the way through you will have learned so much. I've become a much better quilter thanks to practice and all the help along the way from the group. Ask any of us questions either here or by PM.

As a beginner, it's a tough project but if you take your time with each block you'll get it. And have fun with it! I think this is a perfect project for you as a farmer's wife. When I started I didn't know the difference between a pony and a jack ass LOL. Good luck, and keep us posted.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-18-2012 04:48 AM

Hilary K8, The Farmers Wife Sampler quilt is the first one that leader Honchey lead us through and the thread is on QB and people are still viewing it along with tips for each week when the goal was 2 per week. Some of us are still trying to finish and post on that thread; mine is ready for the Long Arm Quilter now. I learned a lot from this group...even though I was self-taught with bad habits, they taught me on this board how to do it right.

The Farmers Wife Pony Club is based on Laura's second book by that title. Thus we have this thread. If you have enough patience and persistence, you 'can' attitude, with hints on the threads of QB, you can do the blocks. Des Moines, Iowa, Creekside Quilt Shop started the lessons in their shop, and many other Local Quilt Shops also give lessons and help.

The fabric you choose is whatever you like; as you look through the thread on QB, you will see that we each chose a different path with the weekly blocks. Not all was perfect, in my case, but highly enjoyable. Frustration ruled a bit in the learning process, but we forged ahead to the finish or almost there. You never know your limits until you try, and always ask questions...and keep asking until you are satisfied with the answers.

HilaryK8 07-18-2012 08:19 AM

Well now I'm going to have to go buy that book too! I love the idea of sewing along with friends so I'm going to try to talk my aunt into starting the FWS with me. Two blocks a week sounds fun! Now I'm going to go check out the previous week entries.

grannyQ 07-18-2012 12:57 PM

HilaryK8, please join in on the fun of the Pony Quilt Club, you won't be disappointed. Lots of good advice and if you need help, just ask. I just posted mine for the week, now I have to get busy on the next few weeks. Lots of color selections also.

oksewglad 07-18-2012 02:41 PM

3 Attachment(s)
HilaryK8--Welcome welcome!! Here's the link Jan was talking about


I was attracted to the FWS book too because I am a FW as well. And guess what we got a good solid inch of rain today! Looking out the window to the corn field can't believe how many tassels popped out in the last half hour and the corn leaves opening wide to accept this lovely rain. Sky is still rumbling a bit so maybe more is on it's way. This little bit will help our third crop hay--desperately need this.

Oh and it's okay to chat on this thread, right folks? Because here is why I didn't get my blocks done yet this week. My 8 yo GD is learning to sew. Last winter I bought a small Janome machine just for my little girls and this week we have started. We started in Lynda Milligan's book Sewing Machine Fun for Kids. Em has caught on to threading the machine and putting the bobbin in and has sewn some Christmas ornaments. Tomorrow it's hair scrunchies! (1) Threading the machine. (2) Sewing stars. (3) Christmas in July! Now off to find some fabric for scrunchies and this week's blocks

QuiltingNinaSue 07-18-2012 06:21 PM

Great job, Oksewglad, teaching granddaughter to sew. Wow. What a proud moment. Please keep up with the progress with photos and show us more...and we can all 'adopt' a granddaughter on this site.

Finally, I have my "Gone Fishing" panel designed into a Queen size...so will halt progress there to do a few more blocks for PC. Cut out two this afternoon; hope to do more tomorrow.

OKSewGlad, hope that shower can happen here....we are sooooo dry, cracks in the ground everywhere and watering just takes the garden so far....tomatoes are dying...new seeds are not growing any...(fall flowers planted in miracle grow soil)..Praying for rain that is not in the long range forecast.

oksewglad 07-18-2012 07:51 PM

Oh Em will love being the PC's adopted GD. GD Nicole (7) has already started sewing--she was surprised that her mother could teach her and that she wouldn't have to Gram do it. DD had 4-H Blue ribbons at State Fair in clothing construction! GD Ellie (6) is chomping at the bit waiting for her turn to sew! She is busy picking out fabric for next winter's school auction donation! We have 2 more GD's but they just play with quilts and dollies.

QNS, I know how you feel in regards to the lack of rain. We will keep praying for rain for everyone who needs it. Yes cracks here as well-hot time in the barn with hot cows is not a welcome chore. This rain does not take us out of the woods, but it keeps us further away from a catastrophe. AC in the house is a blessing.

mirabelle 07-18-2012 09:16 PM

Hi HilaryK8, hope you stay around a while and join us, I joined the FWS group and I must say it was the most enjoyable 12 months of sewing, 2 blocks a week and lots of encouragement along the way. I had no hesitation on starting the Pony Club quilt (although my fabric is a rose theme). Enjoy the book and my only advice is don't get overwhelmed take it 1 block at a time and you'll get there.

No blocks so far this week, hope to get some sewing time on the weekend, gosh where does the time go ?????

gardnergal970 07-19-2012 04:30 AM

OkSewglad...it's so neat when little girls like to spend time learning Grandma's crafts! It's nice they are just down the road! Speaking of road, the mailman brought me some beautiful fabric yesterday. Look for it in my next blocks which will be next week. I've committed myself to quilting this week. I want to gain more skill so I can actually do a quilt from start to finish! So glad for your rain. We got some too this past few days and it's overcast this morning so it's not drying out too fast.

Welcome HilaryK8....I wasn't in the FWS group but they have welcomed me with open arms on this pony ride. They are a wonderful bunch if ladies!

JeanieG 07-19-2012 08:36 AM

Oksewglad - your DGD is such a cutie! It looks like she is really enjoying her time with you, and her sewing is something she will use for a lifetime.

Hilary - welcome to our group! We have loads of fun!

oksewglad 07-19-2012 11:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
GGal--hmm, anxious to see what "new" fabrics show up in your blocks!
Yes Jeanie she is having a great time. Both she and Ellie played in my EQ program today. They like to take some of my quilt ideas and "color" them with their fabric choices. Kids are never too young to learn.
Em has completed her next project. A hair scrunchie. She wants to wear it the first day of school. Next week's assignment is a little pocket purse.

JeanieG 07-19-2012 01:02 PM

Oh my, that turned out just darling!

QuiltingNinaSue 07-19-2012 01:17 PM

Love that purple color!! Good job!

carriem 07-19-2012 02:47 PM

Fun projects :) I will have to tell my friend about that book...she will be moving near her granddaughter in the next month and was trying to figure out what/how to teach her.


dublb 07-19-2012 02:54 PM

OK those are darlin'! Great job, workin' w/your DGD's.:thumbup:

dublb 07-19-2012 03:05 PM

HilaryK8 If ya want to do the Pony Club w/us we will welcome ya w/open arms. I did not do the FWS & these ladies have made me feel right at home. Ya can start here & make this weeks blocks & catch up later. I'm so far behind, & I'm not alone, so you will have a lot o' company. :) My blocks are bein' done w/a patriotic theme. Make it how ever ya want. Even if ya just want ta make the FWS we'd be glad for ya ta join us here with our chatter 'cause we like ta talk a lot!:D

gardnergal970 07-19-2012 03:12 PM

Hey this is changing the subject but QuiltE was looking for quilt blocks that were named for countries and I happened upon this book while I was looking at quilt books in Amazon...
Mariner's Compass Stars: 24 Stellar Paper-Pieced Blocks & 9 Easy Quilt Projects [Paperback].
It doesn't say what the countries are but maybe you can run across the book IRL and check it out. It's by Carol Doke. I saw a quilt done from her 50 Star book and it was simply gorgeous.

dublb 07-19-2012 03:40 PM

Oops double post!

dublb 07-19-2012 03:42 PM

That's the one that I got & made the one for Australia. If ya'll remember I made it too large for it ta be a sub. I do plan on makin' at least 4 o' 'em as subs. Beautiful compasses!
Hilary where are ya from? If ya are out o' the US I'll make one o' my subs ta represent ya.

HilaryK8 07-20-2012 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5378456)
Hilary where are ya from? If ya are out o' the US I'll make one o' my subs ta represent ya.

I'm in the US. I'm from Maryland.

HilaryK8 07-20-2012 04:54 AM

I will definitely be checking out the blocks on the photo pages. I love how everyone does the same block so differently. That's my favorite part of a quilt along.

Are all the Pony Club blocks paper pieced? Because I'm a beginner and I don't know how to do that yet!

QuiltingNinaSue 07-20-2012 06:19 AM

Its a chance to learn, HilaryKB. Many of us did not know how to paper piece or do Y seams, but if you read the threads you will find where other members of PC helped the rest of us to learn 'how'. Not to say all of us liked doing it, so many now are 'substituting' a different block instead of the original one of the week...something we can piece that we feel comfortable with in our quilt. It is , bottom line, OUR quilt, so we do it our way...

It all about attitude...'can do' or 'cannot do' never did. This is a wonderful place to learn if you want too. Its all your decision of yes or no.

JeanieG 07-20-2012 08:43 AM

Hilary, I had never paper pieced before starting the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt two years ago. And....I did not have a desire to learn! However, as we were working on the FWQ, we all found we really needed to PP to do a good job on the some of the blocks. So we "banded" together and leaned the technique. Here is a video that I found most useful:


We all moaned and groaned through the learning process, and now roll into PP mode quite easily.

carriem 07-20-2012 08:51 AM

Hilary--the pony club quilt is my first experience with pp'ing. The CD does include templates and even rotary cutting measurements for some of the blocks, so you do have options besides pp'ing. The ladies in this group are a GREAT help, so if you have a question on a certain block, look through that week's thread (both discussion and photo) and if you still need help, ask! Most of us are subscribed to the threads, so will get new posts and try to help. :)

dublb 07-20-2012 03:58 PM

Hilary I had never PP or used templats till I joined here. I do both quit well now & I do use Freezer Paper for both methods!

QuiltE 07-22-2012 04:29 PM

waves to all my PC and FWS friends!
I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

Oh it was so much fun ... :)
Friday ... 4 shops
Saturday ... 5 shops
Today ... only 1 shop (no others open on Sunday) plus followed the Barn Quilt Trail!

Results: one huge tote bag stuffed to overflowing with fabrics and a few patterns.

Oh it was so much fun ... and I certainly did my part to help the economy!! :)

Hot as .....!!!!!!!!! Though my truck a/c made it quite comfy. Out of the truck? ... sometimes UGH!
Wicked storm on my way home this afternoon ......... and not a drop here!

Yeehaww.... we have another CowGirl here in our midst!

</SPAN>Welcome HilaryK8!!!!!! :D

Yes please come and join us on one or both of the quilts. I too was like you and when I saw the FWS threads a year ago June, I just knew I HAD TO do the FWS, being that I was born and raised on a dairy farm, then became a Farm Wife, and did my part in the field and barn .... while of course, still doing all the household and office work for the farm. So I started much later than many and now have my quilt done and posted on the thread that
OKSGlad posted for you.

Here's a link to the other FWS threads ...



If you follow the threads, you will see that we posted our blocks in pairs. Because I was a late starter, often times I was the only one making blocks, as many of the ladies were already done. That didn't matter, as they still supported me along the way and came along with answers to problems I was having ..... and the ooohs and aaaahs for my blocks as I posted them. There were times that I know I would never have continued on, if it hadn't been for the support that I had here!

And please don't be shy about PPing, as I too was one who vehemently detested it when I started FWS and soon discovered what a good friend it was. It takes some patience and persistence, and then pretty soon, you're sold on it!!

QNSue said, it's all about attitude, and there's no reason why you can't do it ... if you decide you want to!

So come and join us HilaryK8 ... we're glad to have you here with us!

mirabelle 07-22-2012 04:57 PM

Morning tea is served
2 Attachment(s)
We haven't had a get together in our virtual RV for some time, SO I made these on the weekend. I am calling them triple decker sincakes.. Chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting, chocolate cup filled with marshmallow and frosting on top of that. I made these for a morning tea on the weekend, I left one behind for DH (have to keep him happy):D
Hope you enjoy, now who is bring the cappuccino;)

QuiltE 07-22-2012 05:12 PM

No morning coffee here ... but will gladly serve up some of my favourite teas ....... Secret Weapon, Alpine Punch or Enlgish Breakfast? Which would you prefer?

Those definitely would be triply sinful ... I'm surprised there wasn't a dusting of cocoa powder on top!

HilaryK8 ... I didn't leave this before, but if you go backwards in the list in this link, you will find all of the PC threads ....


Far enough back and you'll find the FWS links too. I don't think anyone has done a consolidated list of the PC threads, as I left in the FWS links above.

oksewglad 07-22-2012 05:13 PM

OH OH sinfully delicious--have a bite. Thanks mirabelle.:thumbup:

dublb 07-22-2012 07:00 PM

Hmmmm Nearly as good as marshmallows! :) QE I'll join ya w/some tea!

QuiltingNinaSue 07-22-2012 07:08 PM

Ok, glad to see Mirabell and QuiltE back on the trial of discussion; missed you guys this weekend as I spent the last two days or three in my sewing room pretending I was in the Virtual RV enjoying the cool air and spirit of all the pony club group. Yep. I moved along on PC blocks will try to finish Morning Star in the morning and post pictures.

Chains of love is back from the LA quilters...now to bind the quilt and finish the "Gone Fishing" design and quilt. Tomorrow I need to pick nectarines and tomatoes before it gets too hot. Have to turn the Quonset huts to move the turkeys and ducks. Now have guineas in two cages in the hen house...one group of 6 in the pent house, other 6 below then. Need to figure out how to built a light weight some cage they can grow in for six to eight weeks, so they will return to roost with the pullets.

Yes , Mirabelle, pass your good looking beauties that probably taste as good or better than they look!! I will bring my Cherry Coke Cola with me and enough to share... Hard to say what tomorrow will bring. May it be a good one for each of you all.

dublb 07-22-2012 07:54 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I played w/my Brother taday.

I installed it into the cabinet I have for it. I took the old motor off o' it & put a new one on, one w/a foot controller. Cleaned all o' the lint out o' it & oiled it. I took the tension apart & cleaned that also. As I did all o' this I realized that the bobbin case from my Kenmore would fit this machine also. So I popped it in & it ran like a top! I still have ta git a new bobbin case & a cover plate.

mirabelle 07-22-2012 09:00 PM

What a beautiful machine Bev, I wish I could find vintage machines over here, would love a Featherweight or similar. Enjoy

mirabelle 07-23-2012 02:48 AM

QNS I miss my chat time also, I am hoping things quiet down for me now and I can get back to my normal routine. DH and I discussed a design wall in my sewing room today so heres hoping. Tomorrow I hope to get my PC blocks done and be organised again.

Hope you enjoyed the cupcakes

QuiltingNinaSue 07-23-2012 03:32 AM

I gained 5 pounds with 2 cupcakes...thanks, Mirabelle. They were truly good. Dudlb. neat machine.

HilaryK8 07-23-2012 04:41 AM

Thank you for the warm welcome everyone! I'm looking forward to playing around with some of these blocks. Is everyone going in order or would it be cheating for me to try to start with the easier blocks?

carriem 07-23-2012 05:37 AM

Hilary--I just jump in with the blocks where the group is at once in a while...otherwise I jump around, so yes go ahead and start with some of the easier ones. :)


Honchey 07-23-2012 06:05 AM

Hi HilaryK8, Welcome to our group...This quilt-Along is a do it at your own pace...I post the new blocks to be done every week on Tuesday evening in the order listed in the book. ...All the previous week's threads will always be available to post photos of your completed blocks...The only request that I have is that you not post photos of completed blocks not yet listed...Some of the members of our group started with the current week then continued to catch up with the blocks already posted....Start wherever you feel comfortable....Honchey

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