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Honchey 09-25-2012 04:22 PM

The FWS Pony Club Quilt-Along Wk 38 Rambling Road & Rain or Shine Discussion Page
Lots going on this week..I took a trip down memory lane with all of you...I was on a roll last week doing blocks for Rosie and here...now I'm almost at a dead end....I do have fabric cut and the sections colored so should get them finished in a day or two..been thinking about the bonus block too...

QuiltingNinaSue 09-25-2012 05:09 PM

That ole Buck bucked the greenhorn duke off every morning all summer long; the duke never gave up, and Ole Buck never failed to throw him over the fence. Until the morning a young pretty gal shows up and rides him first...and Ole Buck was a gentleman prancing around the corral with her, never offered to buck or crow hop with the lady on his back. Greenhorn Duke gave up, and let the ladies of the ranch ride Ole Buck. End of block tale for the week.

Thanks for the memories this past week PC riders....and JanRN great news of a LA in her house, then she shows us a picture of her house and a snow storm that cooled all of us off, and brought more memories to the ride. Wonderful week.

Who else has their block done for the week?

janRN 09-25-2012 05:17 PM

Yinz have given me so much encouragement--thank you. I really wasn't sure about the Sweet 16 but thanks to all of you I have no buyer's remorse. Now I need to keep practicing--I made some pretty good loopy loops today LOL. I posted my blocks; they were not quilted on new machine--I have a ways to go before I dare try something important. Glad everyone has been chatting again this week. Seems last week was quiet; I need my morning PC thread visit with my tea every day!

Had some good news about Patches today (finally). He's been so sick all week. We took him to the vet and he said he just has an upper respiratory infection, treating with antibiotics. He has very little feeling in left hind leg but his other 3 legs are strong enough for him to get around and over all he's fine. He's had 2 doses and seems better already. Keep your fingers crossed. This has been going on since January.

oksewglad 09-25-2012 05:59 PM

Jan--wishing a speedy recovery to Patches. My dog Silk (9 yo) has had a tough summer with the heat. Those darn border collies have a extra layer of hair close to the skin--keeps them warm in winter, but hot in summer. So this has been hard on her. The delightful fall weather and she's perking right up again.
I am hoping to get back to PC soon, Maybe next week. Tomorrow my DS and BIL drive in on their way back to PA from WA state. Getting some last minute cleaning done, and then washer decided to have a mind of its own again. GRRRR. Problem solved but behind so off I go to get the dining room and kitchen floors mopped, And yes they need to be done--all sorts of dirt and grime on them. Probably won't hear from me until after Friday when the house is quiet once again. Night all.

mirabelle 09-25-2012 11:33 PM

No blocks from me yet, hope to get a start on them tomorrow. JanRN if you go into youtube and search longarm machine quilting you will find all sorts of short videos that may inspire you, also google Leah Day she did 365 quilting designs, one every day for a year. Have fun with you new baby

gardnergal970 09-26-2012 05:53 AM

I agree, QNSue...a wonderful week. I was missing the chatter last week. Jan, I'm glad you're enjoying your new toy. I can only imagine what you will come up with. Good news about Patches...and I loved the snowy picture.
OKSewGlad...enjoy your company and clean floors. There is a different kind of dirt when living on the farm and it all seems to collect where the traffic goes. Your kitchen and dining room are well used!
Mirabelle, I'm going to look up that Leah Day site. Quilting designs are a new adventure for me and quite intimidating.

carriem 09-26-2012 03:52 PM

Hello All!

I have been busy in the clubhouse yesterday and today. Didn't get this week's blocks done, but I did get caught up with the "Rosie" blocks (4 of them) now that I have fabric I like. Tomorrow and Friday I plan to do some more PC blocks...not sure yet if I will just cut for the last few blocks or sew ones already cut. Thinking I will cut so I can sew WITH you all instead of always being behind! :)

I've enjoyed the chatter too! So much fun getting to know you all a little better...off to look at the new block thread.

mirabelle 09-26-2012 07:55 PM

Oh I should have been more specific, Leah Day's website is Daystyledesigns.com Hope this helps

dublb 09-26-2012 10:17 PM

I ordered the fabric from Hancocks o' Paducah for the attic windows. I intend ta do this on these blocks instead o' sashin'. Well it's on back order. :( I wanted it ta go through the bank right away. Talk about frustratin'.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-27-2012 04:37 AM

Great minds think alike....BB...I am doing attic windows around my PC if I last...doing 90 of them is a bit of work....but I like the 'leather' frame look for each of them. May not have enough material and that would not make me happy. Or having it go to back order...so I can understand the thoughts...you could cancel and order from elsewhere...

Oh, dh Aunt had decided now I can mend her lap quilt that is torn on the back side since I made her memorial quilt for her...no good deed goes unpunished...and BIL was not at home yesterday after we drove the distance for our last tomatoes of the season and took him sweet potatoes and walnuts. Wasted a whole day, bright spot was using our picnic basket to share with his cousin & wife...who are currently building their haunted house for Halloween paying visitors..

QuiltE 09-27-2012 03:54 PM

Hello All ...
Still room here for this wayward PC'er?
Hoping to be back in the saddle and on trails with you again soon.

Looks like I am way behind in more than the blocks.
yeaaaaaaa JanRN on your new acquisition!
Life's too short, so go ahead and ENJOY your new machine! :)

Two fairs the last two weekends ... first one, I just took stuff to it. The second I was there for the week and worked!! :) Another Fair on Thanksgiving weekend (in Canada, that's the weekend after the one coming up). Again, it'll just be a fun one for me and non-working!

I know some of you have already found these threads ....


OKSGlad ... sometimes I think you are running a B+B along with that farm!!! :)

carriem 09-27-2012 04:43 PM

QE--Of course you are still welcome!! I don't know you as well as some, but always enjoy your comments and input! Congrats on the ribbons! Your FW quilt is so very pretty...I don't know that I ever saw it all finished. I really like the gold cornerstones and setting triangles.

I didn't get any sewing done today but was able to cut fabric for 5 more blocks. I have next week's blocks cut so will sew those first and should even have them done "on time". :)

QuiltE 09-27-2012 05:05 PM

Thanks CarrieM .. so sorry you missed on seeing it before. I left the link in the other thread to the FWS completed thread. YOu can check out all the different FWS results, many of the ladies are PC'ers now too!

dublb 09-27-2012 05:05 PM

So glad ta see ya here again! We missed ya!
We are plannin' ta do a bonus block swap after we are through. Maybe January, maybe sooner. Each o' us (who want ta) will make a block that represents us or where we are from. I plan on puttin' mine on the back o' my PC quilt. Git w/Carrie for the details. It would be awesome ta git a block from you.

QuiltE 09-27-2012 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5545727)
So glad ta see ya here again! We missed ya!
We are plannin' ta do a bonus block swap after we are through. Maybe January, maybe sooner. Each o' us (who want ta) will make a block that represents us or where we are from. I plan on puttin' mine on the back o' my PC quilt. Git w/Carrie for the details. It would be awesome ta git a block from you.

And obviously, this is more of what I need to get caught up on!!! :D
Thanks DublB for helping to get me back in the loop!

Yes, bring on the details,
... so what happens?
do we make a number of blocks to trade out to the others? and what about colours? etc. etc.

CarrieM? ... looks like DublB is telling me you are the Mistress of Coordination on this?

dublb 09-27-2012 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue (Post 5544127)
Great minds think alike....BB...I am doing attic windows around my PC if I last...doing 90 of them is a bit of work....but I like the 'leather' frame look for each of them. May not have enough material and that would not make me happy. Or having it go to back order...so I can understand the thoughts...you could cancel and order from elsewhere...

Oh, dh Aunt had decided now I can mend her lap quilt that is torn on the back side since I made her memorial quilt for her...no good deed goes unpunished...and BIL was not at home yesterday after we drove the distance for our last tomatoes of the season and took him sweet potatoes and walnuts. Wasted a whole day, bright spot was using our picnic basket to share with his cousin & wife...who are currently building their haunted house for Halloween paying visitors..

LOL Great minds do think alike.:D
I've been lookin' for months for the perfect fabric & hope that I will git this in soon. I seems that Red w/stars & a machin' cream w/stars isn't as easy ta find as I thought it would be. Oh, I could find some but it didn't match & then there wasn't enough. Thanks for lettin' me vent.
It's so neat that your Aunt will let ya help.
Your day wasn't wasted, Ya got ta spend the time tagether & got ta spend time w BIL's cousins. It came out good.

dublb 09-27-2012 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltE (Post 5545743)

And obviously, this is more of what I need to get caught up on!!! :D
Thanks DublB for helping to get me back in the loop!

Yes, bring on the details,
... so what happens?
do we make a number of blocks to trade out to the others? and what about colours? etc. etc.

CarrieM? ... looks like DublB is telling me you are the Mistress of Coordination on this?

I bought some TX shop hop 5" squares. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do w/'em but, hey, it's a start. :)

carriem 09-27-2012 05:48 PM

QE--I have been trying to send reminders...hoped you would catch one of them as I thought you might be interested:

(from last week)
I just wanted to post a quick reminder (which I will try to remember to do every couple of weeks) about the "PC Bonus Blocks". I have seen some of you say on the boards that you want to join us. That would be great! Please be sure to send me a private message with your name/email address so I can send out an email to everyone all at once with my mailing info and details for the "swap".

Here are the basics I posted a couple weeks ago with numbers updated:

We are making 8" blocks.

Not sure yet how many...I will send a final count hopefully by mid-November as we are finishing up the regular PC blocks. My guess is we will need between 10 and 12. (I have heard from 8, 9 counting me so far with info.)

What block design and fabrics is up to you. If you want to do something that will remind us of your location, of you, or of our PC "ride" that would be great. If you want to make all your blocks the same that is fine or if you want to make certain blocks for certain people, that is good too...just be sure to label individual blocks.

Let me know if you have any questions.


QuiltE 09-27-2012 06:02 PM

Thanks CarrieM ... for sure you can add me to your list!
And I'll send you the PM to make it all official!!!!!!!!

carriem 09-27-2012 06:54 PM

Well it is official, we are up to 10 people signed up for the bonus blocks...YAY! I can't decide what fabrics for sure...I've looked at the novelties some, but want to choose my KT fabric first and then match colors from that.

QuiltE 09-27-2012 07:30 PM

Sew many fabrics ... Sew many choices!

And now the rest of you are saying ... what "QuiltE"?
She hasn't been around these parts lately and now she's going to do ten more blocks?
Yup ... I'll be sure to play along on this one!

This is going to be a fun addition! :)

mirabelle 09-27-2012 11:43 PM

So happy you are joining us on our block swap QuiltE and maybe you can catch up on your PC blocks at the same time. I hope to get to my sewing room tomorrow and get my last two blocks made, wish me luck...

dublb 09-27-2012 11:54 PM

Isn't this gonna be fun???

QuiltE 09-28-2012 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by mirabelle (Post 5546248)
So happy you are joining us on our block swap QuiltE and maybe you can catch up on your PC blocks at the same time. I hope to get to my sewing room tomorrow and get my last two blocks made, wish me luck...

Last two ... and you're done? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait to see your beauty.

And then there's us slowpoke cowpokes, pullin' up the rear! :)

Thanks MiraB ... I'm excited to be in on the exchange!
So what's the plan? ... are you ladies going to include the swap blocks in your quilt? or do something else with them?

DublB ... You bit' it's going to be fun and I've missed so much of the fun you've all been having!

QuiltingNinaSue 09-28-2012 04:48 AM

QuiltE, we are going to finish the PC run first by December, then do the extended block exchange in January, according to what Honchey has suggested, giving every one a chance to get caught up that's in the virtual RV now...and needs time to sew up a few blocks.

Decision, decision, decision of what to do in the way of an extended block to each of us, do we want to represent our country, part of USA state we reside in, or a pony club block or one we have used in our quilts...???

gardnergal970 09-28-2012 04:50 AM

QuiltE...the swap block is definitely going to be in my PC quilt. I'm actually planning to do a completely reversible quilt and will need the extra blocks. I didn't have a good selection of old fashioned prints when I started but my LQS has expanded their Civil War type fabrics about 4 times over and I've gotten a much better selection. When I look at my blocks on the design wall, the difference between modern and CW prints and colors is strikingly obvious so I'm planning to use JenniKy's QAYG method using the CW type prints more on one side and the modern prints on the other side. So, whatever I get in the exchange will have a home. I have about 4 more blocks to do. Since I got the new CW fabric I've been in a piecing binge. I'm itching to start sandwiching some of the blocks. I have the backing that goes with the modern side and will be looking for what to use in the CW side.
Dubib and QNS'S...how do you use the attic window as a setting? Do you use two different color fabrics? It sounds interesting.
QNS'S...I can't decide what to do but I don't doubt that yours will tell a story!

QuiltE 09-28-2012 04:57 AM

All sorts of planning going on here!

QNSue ... hahahaha! and Honchey thinks everyone will be caught up by January? Guess my coming back here has foiled that plan. Regardless, I'll do my best to get the swap blocks done on time, even if I am stumbling along the trail still to do my own blocks.

GGal ... WOW! reversable quilt with the blocks ... what a challenge you have there! Though you have me confused ... if you are doing it reversable, why do you need a backing? won't the CW blocks be the backing for the Modern and vice-versa? Sadly I haven't followed the QAYG ... just bad timing for me. I'm still toying with the idea of some sort of QAYG for my PC, though still undecided. No rush of course, as I'm so far behind!

carriem 09-28-2012 05:20 AM

I haven't decided what I will do with my Bonus Blocks yet...maybe sash and border to make a lap quilt. I know I will smile every time I look at the finished quilt remembering our "times on the trail". :)

QuiltingNinaSue 09-28-2012 05:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
when I posted pleasant paths, it was bordered with attic windows:[ATTACH=CONFIG]366050[/ATTACH]I will put a medium where the light side is on the blue, red and creme blocks. I allow a 2 inch extension on each side then do a 45 degree seam...its a fusion fabric for the attic window effect...I think it looks like leather frame myself.

gardnergal970 09-28-2012 09:03 AM

Thanks, QNS. I wasn't very observant was I. That really looks nice.
QuiltE...I want to make a full size quilt so I'm alternating a pieced block with a "plain" setting block which will be the back of the quilt on the reverse side. Eleven rows long and 9 blocks wide 6-5-6-5-6-5-6-5-6 PC blocks with setting blocks in between. I'll start and stop with the PC blocks on each corner so there won't be an obvious back side.

QuiltE 09-28-2012 09:13 AM

Now I understand why the backing fabric is needed!!!! :)
What a great idea
GGal .... I guess if I'd been around a little in the last while, I just might have known this! :D

Honchey 09-28-2012 09:32 AM

Not to change the subject...BUT...I need to know...When I print my foundation papers the verticle length on the printed pattern is 1/16 to 1/8 " short...when I measure the horizontal width of the same piece it is correct...Is it my printer or the pattern itself...this is the first time I'm checking it ...is it possible that the pattern in the book is incorrect? I think I'm going to check that now..I think that is why I'm having a hard time with the section's alignment...

QuiltingNinaSue 09-28-2012 12:50 PM

My templates printed correctly this week with no problems. Floral block did in the future where I am working now...still trying with it. Make sure the scaling on the printer says "none" that will make a difference.

dublb 09-28-2012 04:02 PM

Oh Sue I really like it. It's beautiful. I have a different kind o' attic window in mind. I had ta look for a little while but this one is the same idea as what I thought.
I thought I'd use the cream on bottom,red on the side & navy as the tiny one that divides the windows. I think all o' the PC quilts are gonna be wonderful.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-28-2012 04:33 PM

Thank you, BB. I like that even better....think I can change mine at this point in time. ... just 8 more blocks left to do and will have 90 completed.

gardnergal970 09-28-2012 04:46 PM

Wow, Bev. I really like that attic window. Classy.

mirabelle 09-28-2012 07:35 PM

QuiltE I really mixed up my words I should have said my NEXT two blocks not my LAST two, gosh I wish I had only two to go, the weeks seem to be flying by and I am having trouble getting these pesky little critters done each week. Maybe I should stop typing and go sit at the machine, do you think that would help:D

QuiltE 09-29-2012 04:35 AM

Originally Posted by mirabelle (Post 5548512)
QuiltE I really mixed up my words I should have said my NEXT two blocks not my LAST two, gosh I wish I had only two to go, the weeks seem to be flying by and I am having trouble getting these pesky little critters done each week. Maybe I should stop typing and go sit at the machine, do you think that would help:D

Well, they would be the "last" two, referencing last week! :) Words can be oh so confusing!

Yet, I was thinking that it was indeed possible as you ladies are not very far from the end
... as compared to some (or should I say ONE?) of us!! :D
I'm starting to contemplate a lap quilt ... instead of a full sized bed quilt! :shock:

deranged_damsel 09-29-2012 07:08 AM

WOW! you ladies are just moving right along! :D sadly... I dont think I will be able to catch up :( I went to the doc yesterday thinking I have pneumonia again! he said it is only upper respiratory infection. so I SHOULD be able to bounce back from that ok, and work on my Bonus Blocks :D :D :D

you ALL amaze me :D I love logging on every week and reading your progress :D

QuiltE 09-29-2012 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by deranged_damsel (Post 5549326)
WOW! you ladies are just moving right along! :D sadly... I dont think I will be able to catch up :( I went to the doc yesterday thinking I have pneumonia again! he said it is only upper respiratory infection. so I SHOULD be able to bounce back from that ok, and work on my Bonus Blocks :D :D :D

you ALL amaze me :D I love logging on every week and reading your progress :D


So sorry to hear/read that you are having troubles again. For sure, some stitching would be just what the "doctor ordered" for your recovery plan. And .... Do you realize, every time I see lace, I think of you? Any progress on that front?

Here's to some quiet time a-sittin' and a-stitchin' for you ... and a speedy recovery. :D

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