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Honchey 02-28-2012 05:00 PM

THE FWS PONY CLUB Quilt-Along Wk 9 Children's Delight & County Fair Discussion Page
Here we are almost 2 months into our trailride. I only have the one block for this week done. I did manage to do a little catch up with last week's clover blossom. Anyone count the pieces in County Fair...I did ...twice!! :( there are 65 of them little rascals...I'm dreading this one. There is an extra thread this week...Guess what it will be ??? :D

janRN 02-28-2012 06:30 PM

I chuckled when I saw that you used Christmas fabric for your Children's Delight. I made mine last week (I have to work a week ahead just in case....) and I also used Christmas fabric. I guess great minds do think alike LOL. Hard to believe we're at week 9 already. I did Clover Blossom and it was a booger-those triangles are tiny! Hopefully will get pics up tomorrow, just got home from work. We did sports physicals and the kids came after practice--I smell like an old tennis shoe. Off to the shower!!

QuiltingNinaSue 02-28-2012 09:04 PM

Back to computer nightmares for me...after I did get the photos loaded in Picasso and sized, QB is not opening up options to post them but kicking me out each time. It will not do the third tab in now, QB techs advise going from Windows 7, verison 9, back to verison 8; now if I knew how to do that...I would work for a tech company. Yep. More $$$. I did get the blocks done, and photographed and loaded in my computer with other FWPC blocks..took them through Picasso to resize them right. No luck. We hope tomorrow will bring answers; sleep on it and see if any thing comes to me that might work. More chocolate maybe.

JeanieG 02-28-2012 10:09 PM

So sorry QNS! Computer problems always annoy me so much! Hope you get yours solved real soon.

mirabelle 02-29-2012 03:07 AM

Yes Honchey I did count those pesky little pieces, but once I started it went together surprisingly easy. I am going to try and get a little ahead in the next few days as I won't be going anywhere, or should I say can't go anywhere. Mother Nature has dumped over 10 inches of rain on us in the past 24 hours and the highway is closed both north and south of town. There is also localised flooding in town but lucky we are out of a flood prone area. DH only just made it home today.
That's what I get for living in the tropics, should be used to it as it does happen every year:(

QuiltingNinaSue 02-29-2012 05:25 AM

Sent yur extra rain this way; the USA could really use it. Well, this week's photos will not happen. Hope BIL can help when he comes down this week. Meanwhile, at least I can enjoy everyone else's beautiful blocks!!

Honchey 02-29-2012 08:54 AM

Hi, with the new QB forum the picture size needs to be smaller. I discovered by accident reading a message in the "help" page at the bottom of the "forum" by Patrice telling another member that you can resize your photos in Microsoft "paint"...I, like you, QNS could not upload my photos because they were too big and getting the message "QB is not responding" You can reduce the size by percentage or pixels...since doing that I have been able to upload the photos. You can find it in the toolbar when you're viewing your photo by clicking on "open" then "paint". it gives you several choices on what to do...it will not permanently change the size until you click on "save" after you "close" the photo page....play with a photo you are not concerned about losing. I hope this helps...it worked for me! H

gardnergal970 02-29-2012 09:39 AM

I have been opening my photos in piscis...the Google program..and it automatically reduces it to 800 something which i can then crop and save and it works well for me. Looking forward to seeing your pics, QNSue.

QuiltE 02-29-2012 09:41 AM

Stop it!!! All this geek-talk is hurting my head!
I know it's necessary ... and poor
QNSue as she can't post her blocks. And Poor Us too as now we just have to sit and wonder what creativity she came up with this week!

MiraB ... so glad you are not in a flood zone with that much rain.

OKSGlad, GGal and JanRN ... please check in and tell us you're OK!!! I just saw on the news the tornado-like damage in Branson last night and Buffalo today. So I'm hoping it didn't catch you ladies at all. Storm is starting here, but I don't think it's going to amount to much more than snow and drifting. At least, I hope!

CountyFair ... like MiraB, I didn't find it that hard ... just those 65 pieces and how many sections tend to overwhelm us. Time and patience and it came together OK ... and oh so rewarding once you see it all done.

QuiltE 02-29-2012 10:15 AM

For the Paper Piecers ... if you missed this thread, you might be interested in trotting over to it .........

janRN 02-29-2012 02:47 PM

Doing ok here, QE; thanks for asking. At 5:00 it was 66*-we've had tons of rain all day, it was so dark all day, too. Hope everyone is ok. Running late on posting pics. Finished working on paperpieced Storm at Sea wall hanging today. QE & Anael created a paperpiecing monster---me LOL!! I love it and have been doing most of the PC blocks this way. Made all those little triangles behave in County Fair.

QuiltE 02-29-2012 03:50 PM

JanRN ... Thank goodness you are OK! I haven't heard that there were any touchdowns in Penn, though pics look pretty messy in Missouri, Colorado and Kansas. There's only been a brief mention of Iowa ... so why I am hoping that MissyOK is indeed OK!

Now .... would you please get that camera clicking and show us this Storm at Sea masterpice?
And while you're at it, how about that ten sided wonder?
And of course, this week's blocks too!!! :)

gardnergal970 02-29-2012 04:04 PM

I'm okay for which I'm very grateful. The storm went south of us and took out a large part of a small town on the Ohio River. I didn't even realize how bad they were until the news tonight. Still a couple more days of unseasonably warm weather so we're being prayful.

JeanieG...rest well and be refreshed!

Mirabelle...stay dry and safe.

Honchey 02-29-2012 05:09 PM

So glad to hear all of you are ok...The weather the last couple of years has been horrific... I have cut out the pping sections and fabric strips so tonite after "Survivor" i will start putting it together. Later, H

oksewglad 02-29-2012 06:31 PM

I'm in the middle of PP the county fair block. On those sets of 4 "corner" triangle pieces, I found that if I pieced C4 to C1 first then did C2 and C3 keeping the pieces in place was easier. Anyone else experience this. Now back to the sewing room have been gone all day.

And yes, everything OK here in NE Iowa. Glad to hear QNS and the rest are fine too. Rain last night and drizzle and 32 degrees all day today. Had to make a road trip today--hate the thought of driving when it's near freezing and raining as a decrease in temp can happen so fast and then it's ICE.

QuiltingNinaSue 03-01-2012 05:47 AM

Yes, the weather is fine here and the pony express will run today; so all who have PM-ed me will get their packets. May be little like my Mother.... When she was a freshman, the Home economics teacher ask all 19 girls to list their Siunday dinner menu...and they all listed the same thing which made the teacher mad to get 19 same answers until she discovered they had all eaten with my Mother at Grandma Carrie's house. So it will interesting how many pieces show up at the same time. Yes, Anne, you are getting a bit more of that Red fabric, as well as the others who PM-ed me. Its all the fault of QuiltE who tiptoed in the chuck wagon for a midnight bit of fabric...from my stash...I told daughter all this activity has not reduced by stash by an inch yet. May be there is still hope.

Yes, thanks, everyone for your help. It is the size of the picture even though I had it in Picassco, the free Google program. Will post photos and story later today after working with dd this afternoon or pm. QNS

QuiltE 03-01-2012 08:18 AM

I know I know .. I'm always stirring things up! but I just couldn't resist as your fabrics were just too tempting, QNSue!It's added so much fun to the whole ride!So glad that everyone missed the storm ... the pics of the devastation are unbelievable.And then you sent it northward ho!We did get snow (not a lot, couple inches?) then freezing rain and a lot of blowing. Today again, it's hovering around freezing ... and like OKSGlad mentioned ... not good driving weather, too much a chance of black ice.I had my hydro out for over 3-1/2 hrs yesterday afternoon ... and then intermittent flashes after it came back on. It seldom goes out here, so must have been something serious. All I've found out yet is that it was blamed on the winds and ice ... some areas a little further off suffered more for that than here. Hopefully, all settles today ... again hovering around freezing, right now dripping off the eavestroughs. Weekend ... is to be ccccccold and by next Wednesday +9C. Go figure!!!!!!

gardnergal970 03-01-2012 09:31 AM

This weeks blocks are so inspiring. I don't like my Children's Delight and will rework some of it before I post. Couple more sips of coffee and than back to work.

janRN 03-01-2012 02:46 PM

I was hesitant to post my blocks. I feel like they don't "fit in" with the theme of Pony Club. I love all your blocks and fabrics but I can't do those. I'm going to use fabric that I have in my stash and just make my own "nonPony Club" quilt. I hope you guys won't kick me off this wagon train. I really love all your cute and theme-appropriate blocks but I've been stressing over how to add some cuteness to mine. I confess that I haven't enjoyed making them and I quilt for enjoyment, not stress. So if it's okay with you all, I'll still tag along but I'll have to be your "city cousin"--I just can't do farm life. I love all your blocks---I hope I'm making sense and no one is offended. Please know I really, really love all your blocks. If there's no room for the city gal, I'm okay with that!! I'll still ooh and aah with you all.

oksewglad 03-01-2012 03:29 PM

Oh Jan please stay with us! These blocks are just a representation of how each one of us interpret the blocks. Your blocks always add to the mix--why? Because they are different just as we are all different quilters. There's not going to be sunsets or ponies in my blocks. Just pieces of fabric I already have on hand. So stay with us, okay?

QuiltE 03-01-2012 03:51 PM

Oh JanRN ... of course our City Cousin can stay here with the Country Bumpkins! There's lots doing non-PC themed quilts ... and you know it! :) Mine won't be staying strictly pony, and will be a rural/nature sort of mix. In a lot of ways, I'd sooner not be doing that ... I'm looking at this as my way to get better at FCing, and work with novelties. Something I've never done. So it's a change for me ... though I see so many possibilities for a more classic look. In other words, I'm kind of "forcing" myself to do it this way, recognizing the "learn to do by doing" (translation for the City Cousin: 4-H Motto) will do me good for the long term.

You're doing great ...... and don't you even think another moment about skipping out on us. :)

QuiltE 03-01-2012 03:53 PM

New post ... different subject!
OK all you
Smarty-Cats ....

If you saw a workshop called "Basic Net Collage" offered, what would you think that might mean?
(being offered as both a one day course as well as a two day course; each day 6 hours)

oksewglad 03-01-2012 04:26 PM

Because I have just been on a thread about Art Quilting, I would say it was using bridal net atop a collage of fabric pieces and secured with stitching whether by hand or machine. Just a guess.

gardnergal970 03-01-2012 05:44 PM

JanR...don't you even think of leaving us. Mine is a purely scrappy quilt which I'm doing for the enjoyment of working with this wonderful group of women. You have permission to hollar at us if we get too far out in the back 40 and we welcome any stories that you have to share. All of our lives are as unique as the blocks we make and together we'll have a lot of fun. You've already seen that some have substituted blocks that we didn't like. You can do that too. Just be comfortable and enjoy yourself.

gardnergal970 03-01-2012 05:47 PM

QuiltE...first thing I thought of was something to do with the Internet. Probably all wrong.

janRN 03-01-2012 06:14 PM

Thanks! I really enjoy this group and I've learned so much. (Maybe a little too much about Road Apples LOL).

QE: I think OKsewglad is right. Art quilting with lots of little bits of fabric covered by netting and stitched down. Are you thinking of another project???? I'm jealous of all your energy!

JeanieG 03-01-2012 06:22 PM

Jan, you are NOT going anywhere! You are with us for the long haul! This is a hobby, right, so do what will make you happy. The fabric choices are just that - choices. Everyone is doing what they want with that. I have no clue who will get this quilt when I'm finished. I have some grandsons that might like it???? I might even make it into two lap quilts like I did the FWS quilt. I do know that I'm going to piece all the extra pony fabric on the back of the quilt(s) when I'm done. Don't know what I would do with it otherwise.

JeanieG 03-01-2012 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltE (Post 5022883)
New post ... different subject!
OK all you
Smarty-Cats ....

If you saw a workshop called "Basic Net Collage" offered, what would you think that might mean?
(being offered as both a one day course as well as a two day course; each day 6 hours)

I would say use of netting to make a collage??? Maybe 3 dimensional?

dublb 03-01-2012 08:04 PM

Jan, Please make your blocks any way you like 'em. You don't need to make 'em 'pony.' Mine certainly aren't. We enjoy looking at your blocks. We like everything you have brought to the table. I don't think that anyone is offended about you not making these blocks, I think we just like & will miss your contributions. If the pace is hard (sometimes it is hard ta git all of these done on time!) just slow down, but please don't leave us! We need you. {Huggs}

QuiltE 03-01-2012 09:08 PM

OOPS ... I should have said it had something to do with quilting!
I take very few courses/classes as I find so many of them are nothing "new" to learn.
So I saw this one and thought, maybe I might?
For me, it's about technique exposure.
If I like it great. If I don't, at least I have a bit of a concept what it's about.
At this point, I have no idea the cost.
I did send an email asking for more info, so I'll let y'all know more when I know too.

JanRN ... are we going to have to use our lassos on you? :)
As for "all my energy" ... not so ... remember I don't have all the extra people and animals in my life, so have a little more time on my hands than most of the rest of you.

Honchey 03-01-2012 09:10 PM

Someone get the hook... No, Everyone get a hook and keep Jan from leaving the camp fire. Jan, There's nothing wrong with the way you choose to do your blocks.... You "fit" in just fine...Most of us are really mixing it up...Most of mine will be scrappy with fabrics left over from the first FWS. Please don't leave us.... Honchey

Anyone want to change the number of blocks we do a week?
Are 2 blocks a week too much?
Should we have a "catch up a block week" every once in awhile just to get caught up for those who need to?

Please give me your thoughts on this. H

JeanieG 03-01-2012 10:28 PM

I'm doing ok with the 2 blocks a week, at least for right now! I'm game for whatever the consensus is.

dublb 03-01-2012 10:35 PM

2 Blocks a week can be hard. I sure don't want to slow so far down that it takes us forever ta git 'em done. Maybe a catch up week might be a good idea every-once in a while, might be a good idea. I'll go with what everybody wants.

QuiltE 03-02-2012 04:37 AM

Even though I'm not caught up .. I'm OK with the 2 per week. Once I got my FWS blocks done a month ago, I've been able to stick with the posse for the current week, and have even managed the odd block from the previous week, as I've worked on the FWS sashing. I'm hoping for a good go again, this weekend on that front! :) Once the FWS if off to the LAQ, then I'll catch up on the missing PC blocks. Though I think there's only 5 I haven't done, so it's not too discouraging.

ITA with DublB that if we slow the pace down, it may seem like it's taking forever ... and there's the danger of losing interest if we're dragging along. And too, for those who are ahead of the group, I wouldn't want to slow the pace and have them lose interest.

I am SO enjoying this journey ... and still envious of those who did the FWS together!!! :)

carriem 03-02-2012 04:39 AM

I too am ok with 2/wk. I should be able to get all caught up (or close to it) next weekend at my retreat! I can't wait. This week I am finishing a quilt for a friend. I do QAYG and have the rows of blocks together, just need to do borders and binding.


QuiltE 03-02-2012 04:49 AM

I've moved this over from the Photo Page

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5023697)
QuiltE - As for my decoupage plates, I'm making 'em for the retreat I'm going on next week. I'll post picts when I get back, just in case anyone that is going sees 'em here. I took some picts ta send ta my DD. She wants ta know how I'm making 'em. I can post a few of those when I get back also if ya'll want me ta. I plan on gitting some of my UFOs, and maybe some of my cousins blocks done while I'm there.

DublB ... I'll look forward to seeing/hearing all about them. Wouldn't want to ruin a surprise! In the meantime, you could tell us about the retreat ... how many? is it a guild? LQS? or?? what sort of a place do you go to? how long? and blah blah blah!!

CarrieM ... You'll create quite an interest at the retreat with your PC! Be sure to take your all the blocks you have done so you can get lots of ooohs and aaaahs! And too, tell us more about your retreat! I'm all ears and eyes about your QAYG. I haven't done one yet, though am intrigued ... and considering it for the PC!

Both ... Now wouldn't it be FUN if the two of you were going to the same retreat. Although I doubt it ... a little long commute between Texas and Iowa! Instead you can virtually be together!!!!

Thinking of which ... How'd
Y'all like to do a virtual retreat while these to cowgirls are off doing one IRL? We could plan it here ... and keep tabs on each other that weekend! Anyone wanting to pony up? "_

gardnergal970 03-02-2012 05:53 AM

QuiltE...you come up with some of the most original ideas....virtual retreat? The last and only one I've been to so far I had a roommate with sleep apnea and she didn't bring her machine so she could breath easy. There is no way to describe what it sounded like. Since none of us would ever admit to snoring since we can't hear ourselves, there would definitely be something missing!

JanR...if I remember right, one of your parents is having health issues, right? That has to be hard. Maybe you could consider this a memory quilt and weave in some special thoughts about the good times and this journey could become a bright spot in the difficult time you're going through and you would have a quilt you could treasure for the rest of your life. Let us help you make some lemonade.

carriem 03-02-2012 07:57 AM

My retreat..in Iowa
[QUOTE=QuiltE;5023907]I've moved this over from the Photo Page

[B]DublB ... I'll look forward to seeing/hearing all about them. Wouldn't want to ruin a surprise! In the meantime, you could tell us about the retreat ... how many? is it a guild? LQS? or?? what sort of a place do you go to? how long? and blah blah blah!!

CarrieM [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#006400]... You'll create quite an interest at the retreat with your PC! Be sure to take your all the blocks you have done so you can get lots of ooohs and aaaahs! And too, tell us more about your retreat! I'm all ears and eyes about your QAYG. I haven't done one yet, though am intrigued ... and considering it for the PC!

I will answer all your questions about our retreat...there will be 18-20 of us (this is our biggest yet). This is the third retreat my friend, Crystal and I have hosted.

It is at a church camp. We use the big lodge for setting up tables and then there are 2 sleeping rooms in that building and we also have another building with 4 more rooms. Sleeping 6-8 in a room if we want...we are letting people spread out. The camp offers prep of meals...we are just having them do supper this time since last time we had way too much food with snacks and 3 big organized meals a day.

It started more as a scrapbooking/card making retreat, but I have taken my machine the other times and Crystal started sewing since our last retreat so will be bringing her machine this time too! We are just calling it a "craft retreat". One day some of us are doing a card swap (everyone designs a card and cuts materials for the others to make their card...you go home w/~15 different cards).

This time we are starting on Thursday night and going until Sunday at noon...in the past it was just Fri-Sun. We thought this way everyone will have 2 full days at the camp to work on their projects. I can't wait!!!

I only have two PC blocks finished so far but that WILL CHANGE! :)

oksewglad 03-02-2012 08:54 AM

We will all be waiting for Carrie eye candy next week!!!

dublb 03-02-2012 11:22 AM

Debbie Umphress has had several retreats in the Dallas area. She is a member here on the board & used to be quit active. When the change on the board took place she thought she was going to loose her PDA, where she posted most, so she set up somewhere else. She does come to the board some still. She won a half price retreat in Van Alstine TX. (North of Dallas.) It is March 9 - 11. I'm gonna leave on Thurs. 'cause it is a 6 or more hour drive! dlong here on the board lives here in Midland also & she is going with me! There is room for 12 of us, but only 10 are signed up now. (I'm still making 12 plates in case someone else signs up.) $50 for 3 days!!!!!!!! (If any of yall are interested I can PM you Debbie's E-mail or phone #. I know she posted it in the off line events some time in Nov. or Dec. I went to the one in Grandbury that she had last OCT. What a lot of fun!!!!

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